

I am a father of 3 amazing-crazy-trying kids, husband to a incredible-adventurous-supportive wife, coffee lover, and fitness enthusiast. 
5 years ago I was 150lbs heavier than the current version of myself. I always yo-yo’ed with my weigh until on day my son who was about 3 at the time said “daddy when I get big like you, I want a big tummy like you” from that moment I thought to myself that I was doing this whole parenting thing wrong. What kind of example was I setting for my kids, my wife, those around me. 

I got up the next morning and cleared my house of anything unhealthy. Then I put him in a stroller and walked about 3 miles. The next day I got up and walked again. Then again, and again, and again. I got so involved with educating myself of diet and exercise and promised my self and my wife and kids that I would never be unhealthy again. 

I was a asthmatic and have not even used medication in over 2 years just by diet and exercise. As a family we got involved in doing CrossFit, spartan races, and I even did my first triathlon this year and am in prep for much more next year.

We have really focused a lot of our education on the quality of food that we give our body. We get all of our meats and veggies from local farms unless we grow (or attempt) our own. 

I also proudly completed the 75 hard program which has completely changed my mindset. I’ve grown and continue to grow immensely within myself understanding what matters to me. 

I’ve learned in these short 5 years that my time is my currency and that I need to spend it wisely. I find a way everyday to somehow balance my family-personal-work life. It’s not always a easy feat although because of a promise I made I will always make sure it happens. 


Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner ham hock sausage alcatra brisket kevin chicken tail chuck tongue capicola turkey pastrami. Strip steak filet mignon short loin pastrami corned beef rump shank t-bone landjaeger porchetta swine meatloaf. Sirloin prosciutto t-bone meatball pork loin. Picanha pork loin biltong tail ham hock. Doner meatball beef ribs, cow flank ham salami jerky bacon biltong fatback frankfurter. Strip steak fatback pancetta chicken, drumstick cupim spare ribs pork chop brisket. 

Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner ham hock sausage alcatra brisket kevin chicken tail chuck tongue capicola turkey pastrami. Strip steak filet mignon short loin pastrami corned beef rump shank t-bone landjaeger porchetta swine meatloaf. Sirloin prosciutto t-bone meatball pork loin. Picanha pork loin biltong tail ham hock. Doner meatball beef ribs, cow flank ham salami jerky bacon biltong fatback frankfurter. Strip steak fatback pancetta chicken, drumstick cupim spare ribs pork chop brisket. 

he takes risks


Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner ham hock sausage alcatra brisket kevin chicken tail chuck tongue capicola turkey pastrami. Strip steak filet mignon short loin pastrami corned beef rump shank t-bone landjaeger porchetta swine meatloaf. Sirloin prosciutto t-bone meatball pork loin. Picanha pork loin biltong tail ham hock. Doner meatball beef ribs, cow flank ham salami jerky bacon biltong fatback frankfurter. Strip steak fatback pancetta chicken, drumstick cupim spare ribs pork chop brisket. 

Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner ham hock sausage alcatra brisket kevin chicken tail chuck tongue capicola turkey pastrami. Strip steak filet mignon short loin pastrami corned beef rump shank t-bone landjaeger porchetta swine meatloaf. Sirloin prosciutto t-bone meatball pork loin. Picanha pork loin biltong tail ham hock. Doner meatball beef ribs, cow flank ham salami jerky bacon biltong fatback frankfurter. Strip steak fatback pancetta chicken, drumstick cupim spare ribs pork chop brisket. 

she lives in the moment


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